
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Limitations on Contraception Coverage?

Image result for contraception
From the Obama administration came the Affordable Care Act which aims to make health insurance more affordable and available to a greater number people, expand the Medicaid program to cover all adults with an income below 138% of the federal poverty line, and create new and innovative medical care delivery methods that will help lower the costs of health care. Included in this act is a section that requires coverage for screenings for women and other preventive health services. In spite of this act, the Supreme Court is deciding whether the current administration can limit women's access to free birth control.

The act already did not apply to houses of worship such as churches and temples, but the Trump administration wanted to expand the exception to employers "with sincerely held moral convictions opposed to coverage of some or all contraceptive or sterilization methods". However, many individuals consider this an infringement of women's rights. Brigitte Amiri, who is a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union's Reproductive Freedom Project states that this new regulation "isn't religious liberty -- its discrimination".

I can see the arguments from both sides and the pros and cons associated with each. On one hand, it makes sense for employers to defend and practice their religious beliefs; after all, they are the business owner, therefore they make the decisions. In contrast, the employers would not be partaking in the use of contraception therefore how can they decide what other people can and cannot do? Additionally, a multitude of women cannot afford the expensive and most effective forms of birth control, so taking away free contraception could lead to an exponential increase in abortions, which what many conservatives are currently attempting to reduce.


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