
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Impact of the Coronavirus on our Psychology

The psychological impact of the coronavirus outbreak - NewsX.tv
The coronavirus not only has an effect on vulnerable populations and the economy but our mental health and anxiety as well. There is no doubt that this pandemic will leave lasting effects on our society.

Anxiety results from a heightened feeling of being threatened and this constant feeling may also leave lasting effects on our psychology and how we perceive others and the world around us. Research has shown that a pandemic or fear of contagion can make society more conformist, tribalistic, and less accepting of those who do not follow social norms. This will make us more conservative in terms of immigration, sexual freedom, and equality, and may even force us to reevaluate our political affiliations.

One study revealed that when participants felt threatened by disease or infection, they tend to be more likely to follow the herd and to be swayed by popularity rather than voicing their own opinion. Additionally, participants were more likely to be worried about the illness if they held traditional or conventional views, and they were less likely to associate with those who were creative or artistic. This demonstrates that during the current pandemic, individuals tend to value conformity rather than rebellion.

Another result of the pandemic is that people become even more morally vigilant. We become more likely to harshly judge a breach of loyalty, such as disrespecting an authority figure, because we associate that distrust with breaking the rules that are meant to help contain the virus.

Lastly, not only do we become harsher judges, but we also become more fearful and distrustful of strangers. Studies have revealed this is especially bad for those who are dating because less physically attractive people are judged even more harshly than those who are considered attractive. This also extends to us distrusting those of different cultural backgrounds, making society more prejudiced and discriminatory towards people of other cultures or countries and thus influencing people's attitudes on immigration.

These studies illustrate how the current Coronavirus pandemic may have long-lasting effects on our society and how we interact with others. Overall, these effects seem negative, but it is best to become aware of them so they can potentially be reduced.


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